Meet Sabrina

Mental health has always been a part of my story, personally, academically, and professionally. In 2006, I enrolled in my first Psychology course at York University and from that moment, I made it my goal to better understand how the health of our minds impacts all areas of our life. In 2013, I graduated from Memorial University of Newfoundland with a Bachelor of Social Work. As a registered social worker, I worked with new Canadians and further developed my understanding of cultural issues. As a child protection worker, I knew that I valued the connections that I made with families and children. However, I also knew that to develop the therapeutic relationships that felt right for me, I had to further my education and move to a different setting.
In 2016, I began a Master of Counselling program through the University of Lethbridge. Through my eight-month practicum experience, I worked independently with people who have experienced trauma, mental health issues, abuse, grief and loss, stress, relationship challenges, substance abuse and addictions, brain injury, post-concussion syndrome, and more.
In May 2019, I completed my Masters program and officially opened Guiding Light Counselling. I am honoured to have this career, and I do not take for granted the trust that people put in me when they share their stories with me. For this, I thank my past, current and future clients.
My Mission
I provide client-centered counselling that is grounded in ethics, focuses on protecting clients’ rights, and honours each person’s unique values and beliefs. Through careful understanding, genuine honesty, deep reflections, and compassionate questions, it is my mission to help clients navigate and understand the impacts of their past and present experiences while helping prepare them for their future.