
My name is Sabrina and I offer in-person counselling services to adults and I am located in Portugal Cove. If you would like to know more about me click here, and if you are ready to start your counselling journey, click here.
What is Counselling?
Counselling is an interactive process in which a genuine therapeutic relationship is used as a safe place where life experiences and challenges can be explored openly and emotions can be felt deeply without judgment. Further, counselling helps clients move through challenges in productive and proven ways which encourage change, growth, and insight. While counselling is an individual process that is different for everyone, some common experiences and goals might include, but are not limited to:
❖ A safe environment where you can work on emotional, cognitive, behavioural, and relational issues;
❖ Develop skills to assist you in reaching your therapeutic goals;
❖ Feel a sense of support from your therapist and build a healthy working relationship;
❖ Develop self-care practices that fulfil you and contribute to overall positive well-being;
❖ Understand more about yourself and your family system;
❖ Identify and explore thoughts, feelings, and behaviours that may be holding you back from the life you want to live;
❖ Learn how to improve relationships with others and yourself.